Francisco composed the original score for Point Jordan, a World War II-inspired short film directed by Pol Miró. Released in 2022, this short film portrays a gripping D-Day story, following a young American paratrooper who becomes isolated behind enemy lines, only to find that his mission has taken a critical turn.
Alonso's composition work on Point Jordan demonstrates his ability to craft immersive musical landscapes that deepen the film's intensity and historical realism. His original score serves not just as a background but as a driving narrative force that complements the tense, wartime setting of D-Day. Using orchestration techniques reminiscent of classic war films, Francisco’s score captures the gritty ambiance and emotional weight of the young paratrooper’s journey, underscoring moments of isolation, fear, and resilience. In developing the score, Francisco worked closely with director Pol Miró and the production team at ESCAC Films to ensure that the music authentically conveyed the atmosphere of the 1940s.